



Namibia has an incredible biodiversity with its magnificent red sand dunes and vast arid landscapes in the West, and savannah, grasslands, salt pans, thorn-veld and tall acacia trees in the East 


It is home to the second largest desert in the world, the ‘Namib’, which is estimated to be between 55 - 80 million years old, the oldest on the planet.


The intriguing and thought provoking experience of standing in these landscapes is often understated and enigmatic by nature. The very destinies of future generations and their sustainability can be changed right here for eternity, I think.


I had last been in Namibia 40 years ago and the time had finally come for me to revisit this magical place. So using my prior knowledge of the sheer dimension of those landscapes, I decided to take my wide angle, high resolution camera gear out and embarked on the 4,500km journey to capture the essence of this incredible  place.


Most of my photographs were captured as panoramas, this being the best aspect ratio to give the viewer a true reflection and sense of the vastness of these incredible ancient landscapes.


Peter Dooley

Nostalgic Extreme


In this artwork, I attempt to evoke a nostalgic beauty of another era. Although these trees have probably been photographed hundreds of times before,

my goal was to compose a contemporary and unusual work in an iconic landscape.


By juxtaposing fleeting clouds racing across the sky above with the stillness and fixed shapes of these ancient trees, I was able to create an ambience

of aesthetic appreciation that makes this work unique.


These petrified trees are over 1000 years old. That is almost impossible to imagine and one needs to find balance between being either overly nostalgic

or dismissive of the past.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Dimension of Existence


A visit to the 55-80 million year old Namib desert gives one the sense of how insignificant we humans appear to be in relation

to the vast dimension of this ancient landscape. It is truly a humbling experience that cannot be easily described. 


The desert challenges our individual consciousness of the power that such vast, minimalistic landscapes possess to positively

influence our states of mind.


This is a place to reflect on the importance of removing mental clutter that is preventing us from seeing what is still beautiful in

the world. A place to give new perspective to the uncomplicated things in life that really matter.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Indefectible Harmony


Imagine a triangle of Indefectible beauty, permanently anchored in the energy field of the earth.


Few would argue that the striking elements, texture and seduction of this desert landscape, perfectly arranged by Mother Nature,

do not harmonise with extraordinary perfection and imaginative power.


I was fortunate to stand in this captivating landscape with camera in hand and experience the moment that I now have the

privilege to share with the world.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Gardens of Time


There comes a time in every photographer’s career when they stumble upon a scene that invokes ambrosial emotions.


Encountering this scene was no exception. The desert sand has been slowly building up under the trees for centuries,

like the sand through a giant hour-glass, slowly moving with the times to add a modern look of minimalism to this

magnificent uncluttered garden.


Such simplicity, harmony and balance is other-worldly and needs to be shared with the world.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Redundant Territory


Eventually, I'm told, maps will be rendered redundant by Global Positioning Systems, which will mark a triumph of science over mumbo-jumbo.


However, prominent landmarks that have existed for millions of years will most likely remain as reference points that scientists may still use as

calibration of scientific mapping instruments or simply as reliable guidance for shepherds.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Despair of Existence


The Namib Desert is roughly 55-80 million years old and is considered to be the oldest and most scenic desert in the world. Its survival is highly dependant on the very sparse precipitation generated by the cold artic sea current along its Western shores.


Nasa has discovered that some areas on Mars resemble the Namib landscape and have even named some of them after Namibian land features. Climate change is now threatening to upset the delicate balance of this fragile desert ecosystem, with potential dire consequences,


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Gift of Solitude


On many moonless nights, a lone tree in the unspoiled landscape of the Namib Desert, has enjoyed 'watching' thousands of stars,

in complete solitude.


By day, this vast desert landscape resembles what appears to be a Japanese Zen garden, a place for meditation and introspection.

A place to unclutter one’s mind.


The seven principles of Zen best describe my experience whilst standing in this enigmatic natural wonder:- " Serenity, Simplicity, Austerity,

Naturalness, Asymmetry, Mystery, Magical and Stillness".


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

For the Love of Adventure


It seems that nothing in this world is able to quell our thirst for adventure and the thrill of exploring the vast spaces

of Namibia is no exception.


Driving through the landscape on what seems to be never ending straight gravel roads, invokes an extraordinary sense

of freedom and the excitement is highly addictive.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Playful Extremes


Wispy clouds in the sky give this sleepy landscape somewhat of a playful mood.


They add extra layers to the playful byplay between the calm vast desert scene and the sky at its playful, charming finest.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Arid Wilderness


Weather in the desert can can be unmercifully short and fickle. In a land of what seems like an eternal summer, the destiny

of the wilderness rests in the fickle hands of the clouds.


Remnants of dried salt on the earth below scorched dunes serve as stark reminders of the unpredictable rainfall.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Ethereal Wild


The meditative mood and ethereal atmosphere of this landscape creates an aura of intimacy that counters the

epic scale of its composition.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Dimension of Freedom


The landscape of the Namib Desert symbolises humanity's heart cry for freedom.


One only has to stand in the landscape to appreciate the vast dimension of freedom that is unlike no other, anywhere on earth.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Edge of Attraction


For centuries, aesthetically pleasing dunes have attracted our attention with their ever-changing edges and delightful

shapes formed by the moving sand blowing in the wind.


This dune is named Dune 45 and is a well known en-route landmark for tourists travelling to the famous salt pan of the

Sossusvlei in the Namib-Naukluft Park of Namibia.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Pristine Wild


Occasionally we encounter small crevasses, innocuous little fissures and wind formed rock sculptures in the wilderness, with ever changing

patterns through the unspoilt whiteness of sandy slopes lying quietly between black rocky mountains.


Millions of miles of pristine unspoiled natural grandeur means that one soon runs out of superlatives.




Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Pulverous Passage


A trail of dust marks the passage where travellers pass through the landscape into a distant land.


They sacralise their mission in order to create the illusion that they, too, can transcend the impossible with ease.

And finally they discover Africa!


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Anchored Secret


Perhaps there is something in our genes that is firmly anchored in the past. Our connection to the natural world is somehow

secretly tied to the gnarled branches of trees that have adorned the African landscape for centuries.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Orb of Night


At the break of dawn, the moon bathes this remote Namibian landscape with an intriguing orb of light whilst silhouetting

the intricate outline of nature's silent wooden sculpture standing before me.

A lonely farmhouse in the distance , lit only by the lunar glow, reminds us of how insignificant mankind's existence is in this vast wilderness.


I smiled gently, my pale blue eyes glimmering ever so slightly in the moonlight that flickering down on the earth below.

Overwhelmed with excitement, I reached for my camera to capture the magic.


Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Morning of Reflection


Like it is with all African landscapes, the best times of the day are sunrise when the sunlit sky is reflected in grass seeds invoking

a calm sense of blessedness.


This is a period of quiet reflection, an exciting phase of transition when human beings start developing the cognitive ability to form

abstract thoughts and learn to appreciated the exhilarating healing power of being outdoors with nature.




Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.

Namib Desert Horses


Africa’s ancient Namib Desert in Namibia is home to a century-old population of feral desert horses that have adapted to the extreme

dry and hot conditions. These horses were cut loose during WW1 and left to fend for themselves. Water is provided from a borehole

located at a disused railway siding in the desert.


After successfully surviving for 100 years, they are now under threat of extinction due to a clan of spotted hyenas that have targeted

the breeding mares and foals. Not a single foal survived between 2013 and 2018.


The horse population diminished from 286 to less than 75 while authorities and concerned groups were locked in endless time

consuming discussions on how to deal with the problem.


This photograph captures a fleeting glimpse of the last remaining desert horses.




Edition:               Edition of Ten  (plus 2 Artist Proofs) 

Medium:           - Vintage hand printed Silver-Gelatin photographic prints 

                         -  Fine Art paper printed with Archival Pigment ink 


Dimensions:     - Silver Gelatin Long side: 24"(60cm) 

                         - Fine Art Paper Long side from : 33" (84cm) to 47" (119cm) 

                         - Large-Scale From 60" (152cm)


Price Range:     € 490 - € 1070.      Large-Scale from € 1290

Ships in a sturdy, dent-resistant  cardboard container. Shipping costs are included in the price.


Artworks in this collection are also available as Large-Scale Art

in high resolution up to 2,8m wide on request



Visit my other collections and find the right print for you!


Highlands Collection

Highlands Collection

Richtersveld Collection

Richtersveld Collection

West Coast Collection

West Coast Collection

Limpopo Bushveld Series

Limpopo Bushveld  Collection

Cape Collection

Bushveld Collection

Botswana Collection

Bushveld Collection

Art Decor Collection

Art Decor Collection

Animals in the Landscape

Art Decor Collection


Inspiration Gallery